Explore New Worlds with the PlayStation VR
Step into new virtual worlds with the PSVR headset, I've got you covered with a setup guide and the best games on the platform.

If you are looking to get the most out of your PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 console, consider stepping into virtual worlds with the PlayStation VR. The PSVR headset lets players explore rich, interactive new worlds with you at the centre of the experience.

Since the hardware’s launch in 2016 its lineup of software has grown considerably with a diverse range of experiences you don’t want to miss out on. I’ll be taking you through the evolution of the hardware, how to setup the hardware and the “must play” games on the platform.
The PSVR headset lets players explore rich, interactive new worlds with you at the centre of the experience.
Check out my full article on Best Buy Canada’s Blog here.